Development update #11

Another week another dev blog! Patrik and Niklas have worked with the level editor and you can now specify the number of units each hostile should consist of and how they’re set up on the battlefield. It is also possible to define more specifically which team owns what when the map starts.

Patrik is happy to finally share something visually he has worked on, which isn’t still kept secret. Behold the mighty hostile editor!

Carl has been making good use of these new features. He has reworked our adventure maps accordingly. He's pretty thrilled to finally be able to set the exact challenge level that he wants for each hostile. In earlier versions of the level editor, this was not possible.

How many steps does it take to create a single UI element? Not a single step too much, claims Christian. Yeah… I don’t know.

I, Carl and Anders have had a lot of discussions about map objects. All the good stuff that goes on the maps, like pickups, buildings, treasures, etc.  We have also worked a lot with building portrait feedback to Felix.

The importance of iteration. These portraits will be fairly small on the screen and need to be readable and visually connected with their building. The last rendition is not the final version, but something we’ll try out for a while and see if it sticks!

Kordian is back doing buildings and is finishing up the final pieces for Arleon. Phew! One faction done, three more to go. Stay on target! 

David has been working on purchasing wielders from the town and also collecting internal UX feedback regarding the battle experience. Emil is still doing menus, and probably will for the foreseeable future. Lots of menus in a strategy game!

Finally, we were recently featured by the Jean Baptiste Show, a french YouTuber. If you speak french, please check it out and let us know what his verdict is. Because my French is… erhm, not what it used to be!

Please note that this is a dev blog. Features and graphics mentioned or displayed above may or may not change during the development process.